Harnessing the Power of .gitignore: Supercharging Development in Drupal 10

In the fast-paced world of web development, every second counts. Whether you’re working on a personal project or a large-scale Drupal 10 project, optimizing your development process is key. One often overlooked but immensely powerful tool that can help in this endeavor is the humble .gitignore file. In this blog post, we’ll explore the importance and practical use of the .gitignore file in securing and accelerating the journey from development to production releases in Drupal 10 projects.

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Part of a scrum team? Don’t get siloed by doing the following…

The key to preventing silos from forming is to promote collaboration, transparency, and open communication across the organization. By doing so, you can ensure that everyone is working towards the same objectives and that information is shared openly and transparently.

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Hey guys, have you heard about MidJourney AI on Discord? It’s a really cool feature that lets you generate images directly in your Discord server using the “/imagine” command. All you have to do is type “/imagine” followed by a prompt, like “farmer planting seeds” or “walking in a forest”, and MidJourney AI will use its powerful algorithms to create a unique image that captures the essence of your idea.

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Flutter is the right framework

As a developer, you’re always looking for new and innovative ways to streamline your workflow and create the best possible products for your clients. When it comes to mobile app development, one framework stands out above the rest: Flutter.

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Remote worker? Hold yourself accountable.

As someone who has been working remotely from home for a while now, I know firsthand how challenging it can be to stay accountable and productive without the structure of a traditional office environment. However, I’ve found that by following a few key strategies, I’ve been able to maintain a high level of productivity and achieve my work goals.

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Programmatically bulk add users Drupal 8 +

Recently I needed to add some new users to many different Drupal 8 / 9 developed sites. Adding more than just one user to each site through the administration ui is a bit time consuming IMO. If you can do something more efficiently that will be reused in the future, take a few minutes extra and do it. Then share it. The Drupal 7 version of this was found on CodeKarate, which has been an invaluable resource for so many Drupalers!

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